EIRIS Foundation launches new CharitySRI website
London, 09/02/2023 – The EIRIS Foundation has created a new website, www.charitysri.org.uk, for charity investors. It aims to help charities and foundations of all types and sizes invest sustainably and responsibly, using the power of their own money and influence to help create a more sustainable financial system.
CharitySRI (Sustainable and Responsible Investment) provides information and resources on Sustainable and Responsible Investment and Ethical Money – what it is, reasons for doing it and how to go about it in a way that is right for each charity. It features tailored advice, case studies of charities at various stages of responsible investment, explainers on key topics in SRI and other free resources.
There is still a wide disparity between charities who say they want to invest sustainably and in ways which align with their charitable objectives and those that are actually achieving this. The charitysri website will be a hub of clear, accessible and practical information that helps to close this gap.
Lisa Stonestreet, Head of Communications and Charity Impact at the EIRIS Foundation, said:
“There are so many reasons why growing numbers of charities are looking more closely at how their money is invested. In particular there is increased awareness of the systemic issues that need to be addressed within our financial system if we are to solve urgent problems such as climate change, biodiversity loss and growing inequality. As values-based, mission-led organisations, charities have a natural and vital role to play in this change and a more just and sustainable economy.
91% of charities that responded to the 2022 Newton Charity Investment Survey* believe that ‘Beyond exclusions, it is [their] responsibility to invest responsibly’. It’s not always clear for charities what the best way to get started is, and even for those charities that already have, understanding how to maximise the potential of their investments to achieve their mission and exact positive change, doesn’t always follow. We hope that CharitySRI will help charities not only with the processes but also with unlocking that potential.”
Visit www.charitysri.org.uk
Contact: Lisa Stonestreet lisa.stonestreet@eirisfoundation.org
Notes to Editor
*The sample for this research included 91 charities with a combined £7.3bn in assets. For further details: The 2022 Newton Charity Investment Survey.
About the EIRIS Foundation
The EIRIS Foundation is a research, advice and advocacy charity pioneering the next steps for sustainable finance. Its vision is a financial system that works for people and planet.
The Foundation has over 30 years’ experience of providing free and objective information on ethical finance and corporate activity to other charities and the public. For more information please visit: www.eirisfoundation.org.