More than 50% of organisations have seen over a third of their contact centre agents leave within the last 12 months – new Cavell Group research reveals

Cavell Group, one of the world’s leading communications research and consulting firms, has published its latest Enterprise Insight Research Reports based on studies of more than 2000 businesses globally.

As part of its ongoing research program – including industry, channel, and business-focused studies, Cavell Group has now made available its 2022 Enterprise Insight Reports. Formulated from survey data, the studies focus on key technology areas relevant to service providers and technology vendors globally.

“Enterprise-focused research is essential to our global research portfolio, providing insight into enterprise technology usage, buyer behaviour, and critical trends. This data provides insight for industry stakeholders so that they can understand how to better target solutions – in terms of sales, support, and development – to potential customers.”

 – Dominic Black, Research Director at Cavell Group.

Individual respondents were selected from relevant organisations across North America and Western Europe, all of whom hold key management, strategic, or decision-making roles within their businesses.

The research was segregated by Cavell Group across three key areas, generating massive interest within the communications industries.

Telecoms Buyer Reports

Cavell Group’s Telecoms Buyer Reports focused on communications service provision: what are customers buying, who are they buying it from, and why? A selection of country-specific reports and datasets are now available for the U.S, the U.K, France, Germany, and the Benelux region, as well as a comprehensive report summarising global findings.

These reports provide insight and analysis within specific territories allowing technology providers to understand the nuances and individual requirements of potential markets.

Some of the most interesting findings relate to plans for technology and solution adoption:

“Only 4% of businesses are planning to never migrate existing premises-based PBX systems to the cloud.”

– Cavell Group Enterprise Telecoms Buyers Report 2022

Other essential topics include the uptake and adoption of necessary communication technologies – such as collaboration and telephony services – and insights into communication buying habits and technology partner selection criteria.

Microsoft Teams Enterprise Insight

As well as a more general investigation into communication technologies, Cavell Group also targeted hot topics within the industry for specific surveys. Microsoft Teams has garnered massive attention within telecoms markets globally, with more than 12 million users already equipped with telephony capability.

This topic has generated huge interest from service providers, vendors, and carriers, all of whom are considering their Microsoft Teams-related strategies. There are more than 270 million Microsoft Teams users globally, and Cavell’s research provides additional insight into the solution’s popularity:

“44% of organisations cited Microsoft’s brand and reputation as a top reason for adopting Teams as their collaboration solution.”

– Cavell Group Microsoft Teams Enterprise Insight Report 2022

Other vital areas within the Teams-focused research include overall telephony adoption and plans, awareness and uptake of telephony enablement methods, and preferences for Microsoft partner selection.

Cavell Group’s Microsoft Teams Enterprise Insight Report 2022 will become publicly available in December to coincide with Cavell Enable, a Microsoft telephony-focused event in London on the 1st of December.

Contact Centre Enterprise Insight

Cavell Group has been expanding its provision of customer experience-focused research over the past two years, and its latest release is now available to Cavell research customers.

Focusing on key trends within contact centres, this latest report compiles survey data covering critical topics, including communication channel usage, agent churn and growth rates, and key contact centre obstacles and issues.

“Cost remains a key factor in all technology platform selections, but it does appear that its importance is reducing in relation to other factors.”

– Cavell Group Contact Centre Enterprise Insight Report 2022

The findings within this report will provide critical insights for contact centre service providers and vendors looking to verify their strategies against real-world customer requirements.

Cavell Group now offers a sample of useful data points and actionable insight free of charge for anyone interested in learning more about this market segment. You can download the sample report here:

For more information on the latest series of Enterprise Research Reports – or specific questions relating to datasets across geographic regions, topic areas, or for publication enquiries – please get in touch with the Cavell Group research team.

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