Tech company EquiTrace announces HISA Portal integration to help trainers, veterinarians and racetracks comply with new HISA rules starting March 27th

The award-winning Irish tech company EquiTrace, in collaboration with the Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority (HISA), is pleased to announce the integration of its award-winning app with the HISA Portal. The expanded EquiTrace app now serves as an easy-to-use digital solution to help racing participants and stakeholders comply with HISA’s rules, which are expected to be fully enforced starting Monday, March 27.

EquiTrace will use the HISA flag system to indicate if a Covered Horse “Can Race” or “Cannot Race,” based on compliance with HISA’s Registration and Racetrack Safety rules, by pulling information directly from the HISA Portal.

EquiTrace connects to a Bluetooth microchip scanner and can identify Covered Horses registered with HISA and The Jockey Club. The app can also identify Covered Horses without using a microchip scanner simply by searching for the Covered Horse’s name. Once the Covered Horse is found, medications can be scanned into the app by barcode or searched and logged to the horse’s digital record. EquiTrace enables users to review all records at the end of each day to submit to HISA, or the user can set up an automatic submission function to HISA.

EquiTrace eliminates much of the additional administration time so that all medication records can be submitted within the 24-hour window required with the new regulations. The Coggins test, vaccines and other health records required by HISA can be automatically uploaded and sent directly to HISA through the app to help ensure that your Covered Horse satisfies all requirements that need to be met to be able to race.

In addition to displaying the HIWU-published Detection Times, EquiTrace enables veterinarians to enter their independently determined withdrawal interval based on this information, which puts up a flag on the Covered Horse’s record so that the horse is not inadvertently entered to race within the set withdrawal interval.

EquiTrace was founded by internationally renowned veterinary specialists whose mission was to make the capture and recording of data a pain-free and time-saving process.

Dr Kevin Corley, founder, EquiTrace said, “Horse welfare is our priority. No one wants a horse to go untreated for an injury because of fears of a positive drug test. I wanted to reduce stress for trainers, veterinarians and racetracks. Our novel way of supporting the industry with HISA’s changes is one of the many benefits of EquiTrace.”

EquiTrace is a powerful app that is here to support regulatory compliance and aims to make data capture and entry as easy as possible. EquiTrace has a sales team in the US who are all happy to help with getting you ready for March 27th. Their contact details are:

Kelsie Bricker (Kentucky and Ohio)

Andrew Vanlangendonck (Florida)

Christine O’Donnell (California, New York and New Jersey)

Lorna Moore (All other states)

Contact EquiTrace today or download from the app store to get started.

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